The majority of Beach House residents live independently in residential homes in the Sunset Beach area of Brunswick County. In 2024 we began our expansion into Little River, SC. Pictured to the right is our beautiful Riverview community center overlooking the Calabash waterfront and within steps of local docks and waterfront dining.
We are a nondenominational recovery fellowship for men in addiction, not a drug rehab, halfway house or treatment center. As part of a tax exempt charity, we collaborate with area employers and landlords to restore structures, staff industry, address hunger and strengthen the local economy. We have no affiliation with the court system and do not shelter sex offenders, violent felons or those legally compelled to receive treatment. BHR does no intrusive fundraising or solicitation of the general public for financial assistance. We are self-sustaining, self supporting and resident driven. BHR represents the antithesis of the fundraising machines of the work therapy movement. Our commitment is to enrich and improve our community through spiritual and charitable initiatives.
A separate $100 non refundable pre-arrival fee is required in advance to reserve a space:
(1) Our onsite phase one program is a blend of traditional 12-step action, spiritual study and personal discipline in a family style setting. It’s a safe alternative for the transition between inpatient treatment and a traditional recovery home. We attend meetings, worship and study together to build a healthy foundation for early sobriety. Our curriculum is centered on what we believe is missing from conventional recovery methods, a strong emphasis on practical application. Achieving self-support through independent employment in the community is a fundamental goal of phase one.
Residents focus specifically on spiritual living and progress through early recovery in the safety of a structured environment. Every position of influence in the organization requires proven success with addiction on an individual level. We believe that recovery occurs when an individual who has suffered alone with addiction is exposed to another who has conquered the same challenge. Our position is clear; the most effective tool for success is the leadership of those with an extensive background in active addiction and a current foothold in long term recovery. We acknowledge this represents a paradigm shift in the typical “us helping them” model of charitable giving. The notion that the traditional nonprofit model is serving the interest of it’s recipients is debatable at best.
We will explore in detail why “faith without works is dead” and how one-dimensional strategies that fail to properly balance action with theory contribute to chronic relapse. Conventional methods focus solely on instruction and rituals based on the theory that recovery can be transmitted through observation or be mentally absorbed through audiotapes, sermons and workbooks. In contrast, we have developed an understanding that individual cases of chronic addiction represent a unique strain of a progressive illness that’s developed resistance to medication and therapy. Although pre-packaged programs benefit many, their formulas are ineffective for a growing number of advanced cases. We specialize in addressing those persons who have repeatedly tried and failed at other approaches. In contrast to the one-size-fits all strategy, the twelve steps offer a customized, interactive plan based on individual strengths and weakness. Sponsorship is a one-on-one process of mutual spiritual development between peers walking the same path. We are all students. No one here approaches another from the superiority of a spiritual or moral hilltop. Each step, biblically based, involves an authentic experience seldom available in an artificial setting. The steps work beneath the level of consciousness to produce a seamless transition back into daily life. Unlike conventional religious programs, we approach faith as a course of action rather than a course of study.
Phase One has a premium four week program designed to provide a highly concentrated recovery experience. With almost none of the overhead, the $775 cost involves more personal interaction and one on one attention than professional treatment at a fraction of the cost. This is possible because we function without employing doctors or psychiatrists; a service which is costly and often unnecessary. We don’t compromise our schedule with shiny, fringe services that have nothing to do with recovery and we never divert funding to frivolous, unearned staff positions or vanity projects. The nominal cost of residency ensures our residents are never distracted by fundraising excursions or unpaid labor that some facilities refer to as “work therapy” and require in lieu of a monetary fee. While they play “shell games” with the hidden cost of treatment, our honest, transparent pricing model covers lodging on a beautiful property with waterway views.
Those planning to transition into phase 2 receive employment assistance in addition to preferred level 2 housing upon completion. Our reputation and partnerships with area employers speaks for itself as does our notoriety as a safe haven from the exploitation of the bait and switch recovery operations seeking involuntary, unpaid laborers who leave effectively broke. This is not another addiction quarantine center hidden miles from civilization on the theory you can shield a sick man from temptation; everything you need to rebuild your life is within a short walking distance, including attractions, shopping, leisure, dining and our private church. We believe that traditional “lock down” programs work as long as the residents remain locked down, and immediately stop working when they don’t.
(2) Individuals who successfully complete phase one are eligible to transition into level 2 community housing. Phase 2 is a chance to learn integrity and personal responsibility through volunteer work and employment in the surrounding community. Our partnerships with local employers allow us to cultivate self support while providing a supportive work environment with fair labor practices. No husband or father should work full time to enrich a powerful organization while their families struggle alone in poverty. Phase two residents are held to a high standard of conduct and requirements include extensive 12 step attendance, self support, active sponsorship and an aggressive drug testing policy. Motivated individuals who show initiative are encouraged to enter phase 3 living within the recovery community.
(3) Separate phase three homes are designed to accommodate those prepared for more independence in recovery. Eligibility begins after four months of residency and is established through a challenging application process. This is the introduction into independent living. It’s the transition into authentic, real world recovery. Vehicle use and 72 Hour passes are permitted upon approval. Phase 3 status is earned through consistent performance and active participation in the recovery process.
An abundance of phase 3 mentors are the antidote to the traditional recovery experience where new prospects are surrounded and influenced by other new arrivals with the same negative thoughts and patterns. All seven properties are within walking distance of one another and surrounded by restaurants and shopping. In addition we maintain an official partnership with the Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC. Some residents take pride in our beautiful garden areas to sustain fresh produce throughout the year. Every location is NCARR certified and fully insured by a nationally recognized sober living policy designed specifically for this purpose.
Our philosophy is unique but simple: the ministry should be funded primarily by those residents who work for a fair wage, pay reasonable rent and responsibly budget their earnings to rebuild their lives. In this hybrid model, the taxable LLC income, in return, funds the charity without the need for public solicitation. In a sense, every resident is a stakeholder in the community and an investor in his own recovery, ultimately accountable to a society of his peers. Each member is empowered by their participation and directly benefit from their own hard work and determination. No one prospers at the expense of another. The concept is simple; no one rides the coattails of those who control their own finances and no one is exposed to the conflict of interest associated with the unpaid employee model. It is a basic recovery principle that we act as a fully self-sustaining entity, composed of self-supporting members that carry their own weight. This is precisely what sets us apart.
We believe that self support is a vital aspect of recovery and the first step toward taking responsibility for your own existence. When we are unable to sustain ourselves, we swap dependency on drugs for dependency on social programs or the charity of others. Both are self defeating patterns that encourage further dependency. Many programs leave graduates broke, homeless and unemployed by design. The cycle is designed to keep its workers impoverished so they can’t afford to leave and are highly likely to return if they do. Besides, the life of constant asking and taking only taught us there was never enough to feel satisfied at another’s expense. Hard work and personal responsibility is the solution. In fact, early recovery is the ideal time to practice standing on your own two feet in a safe environment, not after leaving the bubble of treatment. Hence we offer no professional or housekeeping services and never advertise treatment in exchange for unpaid employment or rely upon government services, including ebt food cards, to support healthy, able-bodied men. EBT benefit abuse has become a generational stain on the recovery center movement and we all know right from wrong.
We can all support a family in need today with even the smallest gesture of encouragement. A care package or thoughtful card makes a world of difference to the 60+ men we responsibly serve on a shoestring budget. If you have a personal connection to our mission, you can support our Blaine Taylor, Jeff Brewer, Ray Ward or Lucas Huffstetler Memorial Fund on the “submit payment” tab conveniently located below. Every dollar serves the residents directly in the form of scholarship for admissions. We do not solicit donations from the general public or organize fundraising events. “Anonymity” means that we quietly help as many people as possible and give God all of the credit. Click on the button, then simply scroll to the bottom and choose “make donation.” Your receipt will provide the necessary accounting information for tax exempt giving to a 501c3 charity.